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Better sales results thanks to development

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When Fresenius Kabi leaders and I started talking about the development of their people, it was a pleasant debate. They had support in the form of a strong business need, they wanted a program that would bring results and they were ready to put extra energy into it. Radka Zachová in the role of HR manager and František Ciprys in the role of Sales director. And other people from Fresenius Kabi soon joined in and helped the project succeed.

Why development investment?

What was the goal?

  • sales and margin growth

  • success in tenders

  • number of customers with a broader portfolio

  • quantity and regularity of contacts with customer management

  • increasing awareness of the Fresenius Kabi brand

What was the goal?

  • sales and margin growth

  • success in tenders

  • number of customers with a broader portfolio

  • quantity and regularity of contacts with customer management

  • increasing awareness of the Fresenius Kabi brand

The change in strategy of a company with a turnover of two billion CZK in the Czech Republic and Slovakia and eight billion EUR globally, together with a change in market conditions, had a clear conclusion: the sales team must find new ways of working to achieve new results.

And what are the results?

Not everything has yet been evaluated. Even the partial results we have took our breath away:

Revenue growth +23%

+21 %

Revenue growth +23%

+27 %

Vyřešení situace

+16 %

Komunikace technika

+25 %

Rychlost odezvy

And how did we go about it?

Apart from the practical workshops and trainings, which are hugely important but do not have the power to change anything, the following things were essential for success:

S Lukášem jsme se na začátku podívali na to, co z pohledu byznysu znamená úspěch programu a jaké ukazatele nám budou říkat, jestli a jaké výsledky má program v praxi.


Jak budeme hodnotit úspěch

Popsali jsme si, co konkrétně mají technici dělat jinak, aby vzrostla spokojenost zákazníků a vybrali jsme priority.


Co se má změnit

Jemné přeladění reportingu a procesů tak, aby očekávané změně nebránily, ale naopak jí podporovaly.


Jak změně pomůžeme

Motivující a praktické rozvojové workshopy, které pracují jak s chutí techniků dělat svou práci trochu jinak.


Co lidi naučíme

Workshopy zaměřené na schopnosti změnit komunikaci se zákazníky, s důrazem na empatii a efektivní vyjadřování.


Jak zlepšit komunikaci

Průběžná podpora Lukáše jeho lidem, připomínání smyslu a očekávaného výsledku programu a někdy přísnější a jindy laskavější dohled nad tím, že technici v praxi používají, co se na workshopech naučili.


Jak lidi podpoříme

"It's nice to see the growing self-confidence of all the participants in the development program, how their attitude changes to the I can do everything mode and how it is reflected in their results. And for this you need to have a partner who you can count on to help you exactly where you need it. For me, that partner is humancraft."

František Ciprys, Sales & Commercial Director CZ, Fresenius Kabi

Give us the opportunity to help your business achieve better results.

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