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  • INTERVIEW: CCO of foodtech startup Mewery Rostislav Brzobohatý

    Sales Café with Jana 🎙 "One of the challenges when introducing cultured meat to the market is how much people will accept this innovation, and the Czech Republic is surprisingly in the studies in second place after Portugal - people see ethical and ecological benefits here," says Rostislav Brzobohatý , Chief Commercial Officer at foodtech startup Mewery. What other topics were discussed in the interview? What is cultured meat and how is it produced? building a new category of food that has never been here convincing investors cultured meat abroad You can find the Spotify version here : Listen to the Apple Podcast version here :

  • Craft Day: A company off-site where you work hard and grow

    What happens when you combine a day full of challenges, team spirit and a bit of well-deserved relaxation? Create a Craft Day! Our internal events, where we deal not only with business, but also with ourselves - both as a team and as individuals. This day is an opportunity to detach from the daily routine, think about what moves us, and at the same time gather energy for other challenges. Whether it's improving teamwork, sharing experiences or a nice break in the sauna (that time with a sauna ritual too) – Craft Day is exactly what helps us to be a little better every day. We started on a real wave of well-being Everything started the day before the main program. We properly regenerated in the sauna, strengthened ourselves in the biotope lake and sat down in the evening. Because before a day full of "hard work" you need to relax and soak up the atmosphere. Main program: Refreshing the mind and new challenges The Craft Day program had several key points that helped us not only to evaluate the work done so far, but also to set new directions and goals. The topics that awaited us gave us space not only for reflection, but also for inspiration for our further work and for relationships within the team. Business update in the form of a Kahoot quiz We started interactively - a quiz given by our boss helped us find out how the company is doing and what awaits us in the future. It wasn't just about comparing numbers, but more about how to check our goals in a fun way, where we are and what we still need to do to be even better. It was an opportunity to look at the company from a different angle and have fun at the same time. How to achieve a high NPS The evaluation of our trainers is a key tool for us to improve. For us, NPS is not just a number – it's a source of valuable data about participant experiences and areas of potential for improvement. We analyzed what works effectively and where gaps are identified. This approach allows us to systematically raise our level and effectively respond to the needs of clients. EOS window Another point that was of fundamental importance for our operation. EOS is the system that drives our management and processes, and we had the opportunity to see how it works in practice. How to ensure alignment between management, coaches and back office, how to achieve a common goal and how to move forward. Trainer humancraft codex At this point, we focused on how to ensure effective communication and collaboration between individual teams. We believe that good communication and a common goal are the keys to success. Whether it's coaches, management or the back office, everyone has a role and it's important to be aware of that role and respect it. Development with a business benefit We discussed our projects that have direct and measurable business benefits. We shared what worked and what we would do differently next time. We inspired each other to improve and achieve even greater results in the coming months. Best Practice and Fuck-ups sharing Each of us has a story about what he succeeded, but also about what did not succeed. And that is precisely what is valuable - to share not only successes, but also mistakes from which we can learn. At the end of the day, we looked at what we took away from Craft Day and what we could do differently in the future. And what has all this brought us? Everything we did on the trip had one thing in common: growth. Growing as a team, supporting colleagues and being willing to learn from your own mistakes. Each of us took away something different from it, but we were all aiming for the same goal - to be a little better than we were yesterday. The event took place in the beautiful surroundings of the Pospolu Resort , where we found not only great facilities, but also helpful staff and excellent communication. If you are looking for a place for a business outing or a quiet rest, we can only recommend it! Do you want to see how we managed to combine work and fun? Take a look at our gallery! There you will find snapshots that capture not only how hard we worked, but also how we manage to enjoy our time together and value each other. And even though it was "just" an internal event, what we learned moves us forward. Not only within the company, but also in relationships with our clients. It's about finding new ways, getting inspired and being ready for what lies ahead.

  • SALES INSPIROFEST: Better sales results thanks to development

    Our regular development event Inspirofest was traditionally held at the Fitzgerald Hotel not far from our Karlin office. This time the focus was on sales with the subtitle "Better sales results thanks to development". The guest was František Ciprys from the company Fresenius Kabi, which with more than 43 thousand employees provides healthcare with advanced solutions in various specialized areas. The topic of how to measure employee development was discussed in detail. How to verify that it has a business benefit. There were also other case studies, not just the one from František. In the second part, we debated in groups precisely the topic of development with benefits for business. And during the discussions we gave each other boxes so that we could get to know each other as much as possible. Be sure to check out the visual recording from our Bei Brosková below (click on the image). We will update the photo gallery from the event as soon as possible.

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Ostatní (26)

  • Týmové rozvojové programy | humancraft

    Team development programs He turns a group of individual fighters into a well-coordinated team, puts a common goal at the gate above the ego of the fight, helps to work on common priorities so that projects across the company do not get stuck. Alignment and performance of the top management team Increasing team performance by overcoming team dysfunctions - lack of trust, fear of conflict, unclear agreements, insufficiently shared responsibility and lack of focus on a common outcome. Development of key corporate objectives Inspiration and encouragement of team cooperation, whether using personality typology or team games, simulations and experiential exercises. Team experience programs I am interested in team development Strong teams boost company productivity, improve company culture and help retain talented people, which is key to long-term success. Which teams do we develop at human craft ? Well-functioning teams are the heart of the company . We help them tune into a common rhythm and supply the company with oxygenated blood , ideas and energy . She worked with us... Magdalena Wavle, Vodafone Director People & Property We collaborated with humancraft on the strategically important Future Ready Leaders project - reskilling of our managerial population for the hybrid era. I appreciated their creativity, understanding of our needs and the creation of a tailor-made solution, their ability to collaborate on a project with another supplier, and especially their ability to implement such a large project online with an excellent rating from the participants. I definitely recommend the humancraft team and look forward to further cooperation! She cooperated with us Magdalena Wavle, Vodafone Director People & Property We collaborated with humancraft on the strategically important Future Ready Leaders project - reskilling of our managerial population for the hybrid era. I appreciated their creativity, understanding of our needs and the creation of a tailor-made solution, their ability to collaborate on a project with another supplier, and especially their ability to implement such a large project online with an excellent rating from the participants. I definitely recommend the humancraft team and look forward to further cooperation! Other important clients in the field of team development Our favorite techniques Meaningful development requires the correct use of techniques so that, as a whole, they have maximum added value for the participant, which does not end with leaving the training room. Gamification A-ha exercises, inspiring case studies and all-day experiential simulations. Gamification helps to get participants "into the game" and give them the desire and inspiration to work on themselves. Diagnostics Mapping the preferences and competencies or strengths and growth opportunities of individuals, teams and the entire organization encourages motivation to develop and change. Transfer into practice Individual consultations for participants, support from their superiors, micro-learning or implementation workshops support the journey from "knowing" to "using". Facilitation A solution that people create for themselves has a much better chance of success than any well thought out and experienced advice from outside. Guarantees team development Ondřej Slabý Trainer, consultant, facilitator Ondřej spent almost 25 years of his career in the corporate sphere, where he devoted himself to development and education, personnel and human resources management. As a member of top management, he determined the strategic direction of "people & culture" plans in various companies (Telco, banking, FMCG, Tec-companies) From 2021, he decided to pass on his experience through consultations, facilitation and education as an independent consultant. He has worked with humancraft for many years as a client and since 2021 also as a consultant and trainer. His specialization is people and culture and everything related to corporate culture. Bea Brosková Partner Bea first joined humancraft in the role of relationship manager, but soon moved into the role of coach, facilitator and "visual recorder" thanks to her passion for personal development and visualization. He puts his heart and a lot of energy into his work, which is often contagious to everyone around him. At humancraft, he also participates in our internal development. Bea is also one of the founding members of the European professional organization associating the so-called "visual practitioners". Popular team development programs Connecting different personalities Mutual understanding, acceptance of differences, and at the same time the ability to accommodate each other helps turn the disadvantage of teamwork (the need to tune in and coordinate) into an advantage (sharing different perspectives) and leads to better ideas, better projects and better results. Team dysfunction The difference between a group and a team is most evident in focused work on a common goal, where success depends on everyone's contribution and cooperation, and shared responsibility prevails. There are 5 barriers to overcome on the way to a high performance team. Thematic target What does the team need and want to achieve in the next 6-9 months? What captures the hearts of its members and mobilizes them for increased team performance? Why give up on your personal goals to meet the needs of others? The thematic objective corresponds to this. The team's vision, strategy and values A picture of future success painted in vivid colors is essential to the success of any team. It gives a strong reason to cooperate, helps to describe priorities, gives the desire and energy to stand up again and move on when things are not going well. Priority projects and roles in them He does this and he does this... and together they all want to do more. Confusion about what is most important to work on (together) beyond the individual role and who has what to contribute is often the reason why as a team we flounder and do not perceive progress. We offer comprehensive educational academies and individual training sessions. Unlock your business potential Email us or explore our trainings. Contact Innovative training

  • Trainings | humancraft

    Innovative trainings We will mix an excellent training cocktail for you: professional trainers, motivated participants, inspiring content, modern tools, quality training and feedback, follow-up. Employee development and training is not only a company benefit and one of the ways to retain talent. It is also the way to greater productivity , greater success and satisfaction at work. Questions to ponder Not sure what training will be best for your employees? Answer a few questions and we'll be happy to help. Just write to us. 01 Vizualizace a skečnouting 02 Vizuální záznam 03 Vizuální facilitace 04 Vizualizace hodnot, vizí a postupů 05 Myšlenkové mapy Guarantees of our trainings Bea Brosková Partner Bea first joined humancraft in the role of relationship manager, but soon moved into the role of coach, facilitator and "visual recorder" thanks to her passion for personal development and visualization. He puts his heart and a lot of energy into his work, which is often contagious to everyone around him. At humancraft, he also participates in our internal development. Bea is also one of the founding members of the European professional organization associating the so-called "visual practitioners". Jana Horáková Trainer, coach, consultant Jana is a friendly and inspiring personality who can attract and gain attention. During her 20 years as a lecturer, she has gathered a lot of experience, which she enthusiastically passes on to others through stories. It is sensitive to the needs of the participants and the topics discussed are focused on practical benefit. With her interactive approach, she can actively involve everyone, so no one falls asleep during her training sessions. 02 Vizuální záznam Jsou to vlastně vizuální poznámky „ve velkém“ - účastníci setkání (konference, workshop, firemní setkání) můžou v reálnem čase sledovat, co jsou klíčové myšlenky a jak vše řečené spolu souvisí. To jim pomáhá lépe a rychleji si pamatovat to nejpodstatnější, vtahuje je to do probíraných témat a častokrát i podněcuje hlubší porozumění. Lehce pak na to můžete navázat na dalším setkání nebo to využít pro další interní/externí komunikaci. Umíme to jak na obří papír, tak i v digitální podobě. Můžeme zvizualizovat i Váš další meeting, workshop či konferenci? 03 Vizuální facilitace Dopracovat se k vizi, strategii nebo hodnotám, rozseknout důležitá dilemata, vykopnout nový projekt či vyřešit neproduktivní situaci v týmů. S tím vším (a dalšími) Vám může pomoct facilitátor - jakmile však do toho procesu zapojíte i vizuální techniky, metody a nástroje, celý proces zefektivníte a zrychlíte, více zapojíte účastníky a často pracujete v mnohem produktivnější atmosféře. Rádi Vám s tím pomůžeme! 04 Vizualizace hodnot, vizí z postupů Jak se říká, obrázek vydá za tisíc slov a platí to i o firemních hodnotách, vizích či postupech. Spolu s Vámi Vám tak pomůžeme lépe a snadněji komunikovat to, co je ve firmě důležité, nicméně často těžko popsatelné. Jinými slovy, vizuálně to pro Vás zhmotníme. 05 Myšlenkové mapy Získáte přehled a všechno podstatné si zapamatujete. Snadno si vytvoříte plán a najdete tu nejlepší cestu. Jsou intuitivní a přirozené pro náš mozek, protože spojují slova, obrázky a barvy do přehledné struktury. Myšlenkové mapy jsou cennou pomůckou v byznysu, protože díky názornosti a tomu, že na nich tým pracuje společně, jsou vidět všechny kroky. Neztratíte se tak v souvislostech, rozvíjíte týmovou kreativitu a základní manažerské aktivity (plánování, organizování, vedení, kontrola…). What other areas do we help with? Inovativní tréninky Namícháme vám tréninkový koktejl, na který jen tak nezapomenete: výborní trenéři, motivovaní účastníci, inspirující obsah, moderní nástroje, kvalitní nácvik i zpětná vazba a samozřejmě follow-up. Špičková diagnostika Posilujeme rozvojové programy prověřenými a uznávanými diagnostickými nástroji. Pomůžeme vám vybrat ten správný, který dá vašemu týmu největší impulz. Transformace firmy Pomáháme ladit firemní orchestr. Společně vybereme priority a připravíme rozvojový program s velkým dopadem, který zakoření změny do praxe. Training is not the only topic in which we help companies and individuals develop. Next, we trained here Unlock your business potential Email us or explore our trainings. Contact Innovative training 01 Vizualizace a skečnouting Vizuální myšlení či schopnost dělat si poznámky pomocí klíčových slov a jednoduchých vizuálů (= skečnouting) nevyžadují talent na kreslení - stačí pochopit pár základních principů, zkoušet, čmárat a procvičovat a zakrátko zjistíte, že se lépe soustředíte, rychleji vidíte souvislosti, jste efektivnější a porady jsou mnohem záživnější. Rádi Vás to naučíme na našem tréninku online nebo offline - ať už přímo u Vás ve firmě nebo na našem otevřeném kurzu.

  • Rozvoj talentů | humancraft

    Talent and successor development The goal is to pull talents out of their everyday environment, give them fresh impetus and let new ideas germinate. This program includes a program mix with inspirational speakers and space for reflection and sharing of ideas. Inspirational talent programs They are most often used when talents are expected to take on a new role for which they must prepare. For example, they are pioneers and ambassadors of key change projects of new products or company systems. Programs developing talent skills This program helps talents reach a higher level of self-realization and responsibility in the company and demonstrate how they can translate new ideas into practice. It gives a strong signal to the company about how its key people will cope in the future when it gives them even more space. Management of projects with a benefit for the business I am interested in talent development Investing in talent development increases their productivity, satisfaction and loyalty. It supports innovation, change management and is an investment in the future of the company. In which areas does human craft develop talents? We create tailor-made talent and succession programs with a focus on the development of basic leadership skills , internal projects or inspiration and motivation . She cooperated with us Magdalena Wavle, Vodafone Director People & Property We collaborated with humancraft on the strategically important Future Ready Leaders project - reskilling of our managerial population for the hybrid era. I appreciated their creativity, understanding of our needs and the creation of a tailor-made solution, their ability to collaborate on a project with another supplier, and especially their ability to implement such a large project online with an excellent rating from the participants. I definitely recommend the humancraft team and look forward to further cooperation! Other important clients in the field of talent development Our favorite techniques Meaningful development requires the correct use of techniques so that, as a whole, they have maximum added value for the participant, which does not end with leaving the training room. Gamification A-ha exercises, inspiring case studies and all-day experiential simulations. Gamification helps to get participants "into the game" and give them the desire and inspiration to work on themselves. Diagnostics Mapping the preferences and competencies or strengths and growth opportunities of individuals, teams and the entire organization encourages motivation to develop and change. Transfer into practice Individual consultations for participants, support from their superiors, micro-learning or implementation workshops support the journey from "knowing" to "using". Facilitation A solution that people create for themselves has a much better chance of success than any well thought out and experienced advice from outside. Guarantees talent development Pavel Tihelka Trainer, consultant, facilitator Pavel joined our team in 2021, after leaving the corporate world. He has more than 20 years of experience in various companies, including 15 years of experience in the Telco area, where he was involved in the development and launch of new products, their introduction to the market and life cycle management of product portfolios. He led medium-sized local and CEE teams, he benefits from experience as a crisis and corporate manager. Emphasis is placed on the connection of knowledge and practice, usability and authenticity of delivered programs or solutions. Bea Brosková Partner Bea first joined humancraft in the role of relationship manager, but soon moved into the role of coach, facilitator and "visual recorder" thanks to her passion for personal development and visualization. He puts his heart and a lot of energy into his work, which is often contagious to everyone around him. At humancraft, he also participates in our internal development. Bea is also one of the founding members of the European professional organization associating the so-called "visual practitioners". Popular Talent Development Trainings Growth mindset In her research, Carol Dweck shows us that it is possible to develop our intelligence and personality through conscious work with our mindset. A fixed mindset can often protect us, however, a growth mindset develops and moves us forward, allowing us to achieve better results, worry less, and ultimately be happier and more satisfied. Project management Thanks to the training, participants will learn to plan strategic goals and effectively use budget and resources, evaluate possible obstacles and manage risks, thus delivering the finished project on time. We will focus on the role of the project manager and how to coordinate other people involved in the project. The training helps the participants to see the project from the beginning to the end, not to forget anything important and to complete it successfully. Critical thinking The ability to think critically is one of the key skills of today. We live in a multifaceted developing world with an excess of information. We must learn to distinguish relevant information and make the right decisions based on it. The ability to learn from mistakes, analyze problems and find the right solutions will help us. It is useful to be aware of the errors in perception and judgment that lead to erroneous conclusions in order to avoid them. Creativity and innovation Employees who have a proactive approach to work are those who come up with suggestions, seek improvements and take initiative. In general, they perform better, experience greater job satisfaction, add more value to their company, and therefore have a chance to advance faster in their careers. The training gives participants the opportunity to work on their attitude, helps them see opportunities for improvement around them and encourages them to improve. Stakeholder management Business is about relationships, most results are born in cooperation with others. The "others" often have different interests and different influence. Stakeholder management training helps participants to navigate well in different stakeholder groups for their key projects and activities, to choose priorities among their stakeholders and, above all, to proactively develop relationships and cooperation with them through practical steps. We offer comprehensive educational academies as well as individual trainings. Unlock your business potential Email us or explore our trainings. Contact Innovative training

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