We will mix an excellent training cocktail for you: professional trainers, motivated participants, inspiring content, modern tools, quality training and feedback, follow-up.
Employee development and training is not only a company benefit and one of the ways to retain talent. It is also the way to greater productivity , greater success and satisfaction at work.
Questions to ponder
Not sure what training will be best for your employees? Answer a few questions and we'll be happy to help. Just write to us.
Guarantees of our trainings
Bea first joined humancraft in the role of relationship manager, but soon moved into the role of coach, facilitator and "visual recorder" thanks to her passion for personal development and visualization. He puts his heart and a lot of energy into his work, which is often contagious to everyone around him. At humancraft, he also participates in our internal development. Bea is also one of the founding members of the European professional organization associating the so-called "visual practitioners".
Trainer, coach, consultant
Jana is a friendly and inspiring personality who can attract and gain attention. During her 20 years as a lecturer, she has gathered a lot of experience, which she enthusiastically passes on to others through stories. It is sensitive to the needs of the participants and the topics discussed are focused on practical benefit. With her interactive approach, she can actively involve everyone, so no one falls asleep during her training sessions.
02 Vizuální záznam
Jsou to vlastně vizuální poznámky „ve velkém“ - účastníci setkání (konference, workshop, firemní setkání) můžou v reálnem čase sledovat, co jsou klíčové myšlenky a jak vše řečené spolu souvisí. To jim pomáhá lépe a rychleji si pamatovat to nejpodstatnější, vtahuje je to do probíraných témat a častokrát i podněcuje hlubší porozumění. Lehce pak na to můžete navázat na dalším setkání nebo to využít pro další interní/externí komunikaci. Umíme to jak na obří papír, tak i v digitální podobě. Můžeme zvizualizovat i Váš další meeting, workshop či konferenci?