Company performance cannot be built on systems and processes alone. Strengthening organizational health means increasing the use of the company's human potential.
More money invested in education and development does not automatically add more value. Investing in development without business benefit is really just a cost.
This concept is far from just about people in the company having a greater appetite for personal development. The goal is to increase the adaptability and speed of functioning of the entire company and to make important changes to it.
We help tune the functioning and performance of the company orchestra.
We will advise you on how to choose priorities (changes in the functioning of people that will bring the greatest results to the company) and help you prepare and implement a development program with a high impact (changes in the functioning of people rooted in practice).
"Behind all the successes and setbacks of every company are people."
The pressure on company productivity, costs, sales and quality is transferred to the desire for higher added value of the people in the company . Corporate strategy, products, technologies, processes and systems are complemented by the human side of organizational performance - and humancraft helps with that.
Questions to ponder
Not sure how to handle the human side of business transformation? Answer a few questions and we'll be happy to help. Just write to us.
Are people your most important asset or your biggest expense?
Can you measure whether you are using human potential correctly from a business perspective?
Are you preparing the organizational foundations of your company for the future speed of your business?
Are you doing enough to not be brought down by human errors or shortcomings?
Point to the business priority that your colleagues are most passionate about and we will help you "move" them so that they move your business.
What other areas do we help with?
Comprehensive development program is our royal discipline, which few can master, we focus on development with measurable impact. Complex transformation projects, combining consulting, facilitation, coaching and top diagnostics aimed at a clear business result with direct reporting to the board.
Change projects
We help with the human side of organizational changes or strategy changes, involving people in changes to company processes and systems, or, for example, transferring a greater degree of responsibility and initiative to middle management.
Top management
From an association of individual fighters to a well-coordinated team, which puts a joint effort on the gate above the ego of the fight and works on common priorities so that projects across the company do not get stuck.
The written and unwritten rules of your tribe that more or less help your company achieve its goals, its people feel good and productive, and your customers enjoy working with you.
Employee experience
From recruitment to onboarding, work environment, development, goal setting and performance management, internal communication and collaboration, compensation, balance between work and personal life to the exit process - these key points affect people's belonging to your company and their desire to give their best best.

She cooperated with us

Zita Vačkařová,
HR Business Partner
We worked with humancraft on a project to change the corporate culture. It was a year-long project that was divided into several phases. The goal was to change the mindset of managers of the first management level and the company's top management, to focus on managing changes in the company both on a technical and emotional level, and to strengthen leadership. The cooperation was professional and at a high level, I appreciate the ability to immediately respond to changes in the project, the ability to improvise or manage difficult situations when working in groups. Furthermore, the will to move the project forward, even though it was not always easy, to get feedback on my work, even after a while. They approached the project with enthusiasm, came up with suggestions and variants of solutions and, last but not least, excellent preparation.
We also helped with the transformation here

The guarantors of the transformation of companies
Standa joined the co-founders of the company in 2004 and, in addition to being a businessman, trainer and consultant, he also tried out the role of Managing Director for a few years. Today, Standa at humancraft prefers to prepare and launch development programs with a tangible benefit for the business. He is also a member of the Maturity Institute, which helps companies measure and develop the intangibles of corporate culture and human capital.
Bea first joined humancraft in the role of relationship manager, but soon moved into the role of coach, facilitator and "visual recorder" thanks to her passion for personal development and visualization. He puts his heart and a lot of energy into his work, which is often contagious to everyone around him. At humancraft, he also participates in our internal development. Bea is also one of the founding members of the European professional organization associating the so-called "visual practitioners".
What areas do we help with?
Transformation is not the only topic in which we help companies and individuals to develop.