Team development programs
He turns a group of individual fighters into a well-coordinated team, puts a common goal at the gate above the ego of the fight, helps to work on common priorities so that projects across the company do not get stuck.
Alignment and performance of the top management team
Increasing team performance by overcoming team dysfunctions - lack of trust, fear of conflict, unclear agreements, insufficiently shared responsibility and lack of focus on a common outcome.
Development of key corporate objectives
Inspiration and encouragement of team cooperation, whether using personality typology or team games, simulations and experiential exercises.
Team experience programs
Strong teams boost company productivity, improve company culture and help retain talented people, which is key to long-term success.
Which teams do we develop at human craft ?
Well-functioning teams are the heart of the company . We help them tune into a common rhythm and supply the company with oxygenated blood , ideas and energy .

She worked with us...

Magdalena Wavle,
Director People & Property
We collaborated with humancraft on the strategically important Future Ready Leaders project - reskilling of our managerial population for the hybrid era. I appreciated their creativity, understanding of our needs and the creation of a tailor-made solution, their ability to collaborate on a project with another supplier, and especially their ability to implement such a large project online with an excellent rating from the participants. I definitely recommend the humancraft team and look forward to further cooperation!
She cooperated with us

Magdalena Wavle, Vodafone
Director People & Property

We collaborated with humancraft on the strategically important Future Ready Leaders project - reskilling of our managerial population for the hybrid era. I appreciated their creativity, understanding of our needs and the creation of a tailor-made solution, their ability to collaborate on a project with another supplier, and especially their ability to implement such a large project online with an excellent rating from the participants. I definitely recommend the humancraft team and look forward to further cooperation!
Other important clients in the field of team development

Our favorite techniques
Meaningful development requires the correct use of techniques so that, as a whole, they have maximum added value for the participant, which does not end with leaving the training room.
A-ha exercises, inspiring case studies and all-day experiential simulations. Gamification helps to get participants "into the game" and give them the desire and inspiration to work on themselves.
Mapping the preferences and competencies or strengths and growth opportunities of individuals, teams and the entire organization encourages motivation to develop and change.
Transfer into practice
Individual consultations for participants, support from their superiors, micro-learning or implementation workshops support the journey from "knowing" to "using".
A solution that people create for themselves has a much better chance of success than any well thought out and experienced advice from outside.
team development

Ondřej Slabý
Trainer, consultant, facilitator
Ondřej spent almost 25 years of his career in the corporate sphere, where he devoted himself to development and education, personnel and human resources management. As a member of top management, he determined the strategic direction of "people & culture" plans in various companies (Telco, banking, FMCG, Tec-companies) From 2021, he decided to pass on his experience through consultations, facilitation and education as an independent consultant. He has worked with humancraft for many years as a client and since 2021 also as a consultant and trainer. His specialization is people and culture and everything related to corporate culture.

Bea Brosková
Bea first joined humancraft in the role of relationship manager, but soon moved into the role of coach, facilitator and "visual recorder" thanks to her passion for personal development and visualization. He puts his heart and a lot of energy into his work, which is often contagious to everyone around him. At humancraft, he also participates in our internal development. Bea is also one of the founding members of the European professional organization associating the so-called "visual practitioners".
Popular team development programs

Connecting different personalities
Mutual understanding, acceptance of differences, and at the same time the ability to accommodate each other helps turn the disadvantage of teamwork (the need to tune in and coordinate) into an advantage (sharing different perspectives) and leads to better ideas, better projects and better results.

Team dysfunction
The difference between a group and a team is most evident in focused work on a common goal, where success depends on everyone's contribution and cooperation, and shared responsibility prevails. There are 5 barriers to overcome on the way to a high performance team.

What does the team need and want to achieve in the next 6-9 months? What captures the hearts of its members and mobilizes them for increased team performance? Why give up on your personal goals to meet the needs of others? The thematic objective corresponds to this.

The team's vision, strategy and values
A picture of future success painted in vivid colors is essential to the success of any team. It gives a strong reason to cooperate, helps to describe priorities, gives the desire and energy to stand up again and move on when things are not going well.

Priority projects and roles in them
He does this and he does this... and together they all want to do more. Confusion about what is most important to work on (together) beyond the individual role and who has what to contribute is often the reason why as a team we flounder and do not perceive progress.
We offer comprehensive educational academies and individual training sessions.